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Philanthropic Photography

Writer: Martin Bennett - PhotographerMartin Bennett - Photographer

Updated: Jan 8, 2022

The idea behind this, is very simple!

To take photos of people who need them, who can't necessarily afford them.


I have been extremely lucky in my working life. Axiom Training was very successful over the 30 years that we ran it. We were able to get everything that we needed. The vast majority of people who came on our courses were not quite so fortunate. Their places were paid for by their employer. A lot of our "students" were in almost minimum wage jobs, the law required a certain number of people trained in first aid. For a lot of these guys paying for premium quality portrait photography is out of the question .

A similar set of circumstances exists where people are just starting out in business. They have invested all their money, time and energy in getting their business up and running. Finding the cash to pay for a personal branding, or portrait shoot is probably quite challenging.

I like the idea of being to give vouchers to "worthy causes", school fetes, some local charities and so forth.

My final area of interest is"dating" site images. I feel that people are quite vulnerable when they are "partner hunting". They have often been through the distress of a broken relationship and struggling to pull themselves back up. Then they post a pretty awful phone selfie and try to find their new soul mate with it!

Voucher scheme

I have had some really lovely vouchers printed by the amazing Each voucher is for a photoshoot to the value of £300.00. This is a 2 to 3 hour shoot and includes 10 digital images. I have enough vouchers to give to people who help me by "sitting" for me, for a folio building shoot. I will give you a voucher, in return for sitting for me. This can then be used by yourself, or given to friends or family.

I have vouchers to help your business startup. So if you are a small business just starting up, I will take some personal branding and/or business portraits to help you get going. Your website images are what sell your business, they should send your message loud and clear!

Personal ads! I can remember when they were printed in the newspaper under that heading! I feel that to find a new partner, the photo that you use must reflect who you are. When people look at that image, they need to see the real person, to get an insight into that person. There must be enough about the photo to make them stop scrolling down the app and look at the photo. Be able to look into the image and think "Wow", I like the look of that person! I have been quite successful at this, I am pleased to say.

I have some vouchers which I will donate to charities etc. I have given some for school and charity raffle prizes for charity auctions and the like. I am very proud to say that the last few that have been auctioned have reached more than the face value of the voucher! Please email me for this at


I have joined the "Bluelightcard" scheme. Unfortunately I am in a queue to get my website listed.

The purpose of the scheme is to offer an incredible range of products to Bluelightcard holders. There is a range of discounts that people offer, usually 10%. I am giving a 15% discount. There is a huge number of people eligible to have a Bluelightcard, spread right across the emergency services and the military. Just contact me, and on the production of a valid card, I will apply the discount to the deal, for whatever you are having - portraits, branding or a wedding.

I am NOT allowing the use of a voucher and a Bluelightcard, its one or the other!

I am also setting a limit of an hours travelling, if its further, I will need to make a charge. For portrait and branding sessions done with the voucher, the shoot and 10 digital images are in with the deal. You can of course buy some more at a very reasonable cost


© 2022 Martin Bennett, Eardiston, England, United Kingdom

please email me on:-

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